

object HeartRateStatus : SampleHealthDataStatus

An object representing the status of heart rate. Inherits from SampleHealthDataStatus, which represents a type of health data for which status information can be retrieved using a single data point.


Name Summary
getDataKey [androidJvm]
open override fun getDataKey(): String
Returns the data key used to extract the heart rate status information.
getIcon [androidJvm]
open override fun getIcon(): Int
Returns the resource ID of the icon representing the heart rate status.
getLatestStatus [androidJvm]
open suspend override fun getLatestStatus(): Any?
Retrieves the latest status information for this health data type.
getUnitString [androidJvm]
open override fun getUnitString(): String
Returns the unit of measurement for the heart rate data.
toViewModel [androidJvm]
open override fun toViewModel(): HeartRateStatusViewModel