

data class Contents(val type: String, val required: Boolean, val title: String? = null, val explanation: String? = null, val itemProperties: ItemProperties? = null, val completionTitle: String? = null, val completionDescription: String? = null)

Stores the information of the contents received from backend.


Contents [androidJvm]
fun Contents(type: String, required: Boolean, title: String? = null, explanation: String? = null, itemProperties: ItemProperties? = null, completionTitle: String? = null, completionDescription: String? = null)


Name Summary
completionDescription [androidJvm]
val completionDescription: String? = null
completionTitle [androidJvm]
val completionTitle: String? = null
explanation [androidJvm]
val explanation: String? = null
Explanation of the content.
itemProperties [androidJvm]
@SerializedName(value = "properties")
val itemProperties: ItemProperties? = null
Properties(tag) of the content. ItemProperties
required [androidJvm]
val required: Boolean
If item is required or not.
title [androidJvm]
val title: String? = null
Title of the content.
type [androidJvm]
val type: String
Type of the content.