

data class TaskSpec(val revisionId: Int, val taskId: String, val title: String, val type: String, val description: String?, val schedule: String, val startTime: String, val endTime: String, val validTime: Long, val items: List<Item>)

Stores the information of the task received from backend.


TaskSpec [androidJvm]
fun TaskSpec(revisionId: Int, taskId: String, title: String, type: String, description: String?, schedule: String, startTime: String, endTime: String, validTime: Long, items: List<Item>)


Name Summary
description [androidJvm]
val description: String?
Description of the task.
endTime [androidJvm]
val endTime: String
Expiration time when task is no longer exposed.
items [androidJvm]
val items: List<Item>
Items of the task
revisionId [androidJvm]
val revisionId: Int
If the task is modified, the modified ID for history management.
schedule [androidJvm]
val schedule: String
Schedule of the task. (CronQuartz format)
startTime [androidJvm]
val startTime: String
Time to activate task.
taskId [androidJvm]
@SerializedName(value = "id")
val taskId: String
ID of the task.
title [androidJvm]
val title: String
Title of the task.
type [androidJvm]
val type: String
validTime [androidJvm]
val validTime: Long
The time given to the user to perform the task.