

class ColorWordChallengeIntroModel(val id: String, val title: String = "Color Word Challenge", val header: String = "Color Word Challenge", val body: List<String>? = listOf( "See words presented in different colors", "Indicate the color in which each word is printed as quickly as you can.", ), val drawableId: Int? = R.drawable.ic_activity_color_word_challenge, val buttonText: String? = "Begin", val textType: TextType = TextType.NUMBER) : SimpleViewActivityModel


ColorWordChallengeIntroModel [androidJvm]
fun ColorWordChallengeIntroModel(id: String, title: String = "Color Word Challenge", header: String = "Color Word Challenge", body: List<String>? = listOf( "See words presented in different colors", "Indicate the color in which each word is printed as quickly as you can.", ), drawableId: Int? = R.drawable.ic_activity_color_word_challenge, buttonText: String? = "Begin", textType: TextType = TextType.NUMBER)


Name Summary
body [androidJvm]
val body: List<String>? = null
buttonText [androidJvm]
val buttonText: String? = null
drawableId [androidJvm]
val drawableId: Int?
a representative image for UI
header [androidJvm]
val header: String
id [androidJvm]
val id: String
textType [androidJvm]
val textType: TextType
title [androidJvm]
val title: String
a title of UI