Adding Educational Content

You can add educational content to help users understand the studies, provide articles, or add texts answering their questions. This shows in the Education section within the phone.


To add a publication go to Survey Management and scroll down to Educational Content Management.


Click Create New.


There are three different ways to create publications.

  • Create from Scratch
  • Use Existing PDF
  • Use Existing Video

Create from Scratch

To create a new publication, click Create from Scratch and then Continue.


This will start the process. image-20230726104954853

Add the needed information.


Once the information is added, you can preview the publication by clicking Preview and publish by clicking Publish.


You can select when the content will be published when Publish is clicked.


To create a publication using PDF, click Add PDF and then continue`.


You can add the PDF and any text along with the pdf.


Once information is added, you can preview and publish the publication similarly to Create from Scratch.


Use Existing Video

To create a publication using video, click Add video and then click Continue.


This will take you to the content creation page for video publication.


You can upload your video and add any necessary content. Once you add the information, you can preview and publish the publication similarly to other publications.


Managing Educational Content

You can view all the drafts and published items in the `Educational Content Management section.


Draft and Publication sections will expand by clicking on Show All to display all educational content cards in this category. Each Publication has a time estimation for it.

Reading Time Estimation

Reading estimation time varies for each type of publication. For PDFs, it is 30 seconds per page; for video, it is the video total time; for text-based publication, it is 30 seconds per page (before scrolling) OR 238 words per minute.